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Help us create new homes of compassion throughout Kitsap County

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Help Us Create Permanent Homes For The Homeless

Some people are difficult to live with, but we all deserve a home.

Amy is 60 year old mother of three that has been homeless for over five years. Her story is like most of our stories. She grew up, married, had children and along the way life took a difficult turn. Physical abuse and threats drove her to the streets. How she coped with trauma is what kept her on the streets. Now she is working to heal and put her life back together. Social Security Income or Disability and a part time job only pays so much. Much less than the cost of a one bedroom apartment in one of our Kitsap communities.

Kitsap Homes of Compassion leases homes and creates shared living space for those that have been chronically homeless and are struggling to put their lives back together due to health concerns, mental health or past problems with addiction.

We need your help to create more homes and to share the cost of operating the 25 shared homes we opearate.

Would you please consider giving a one time donation to help us lease another home OR make a monthly commitment to share the cost of living in our community? We must raise in donations and gifts $100/month for each person in our program to cover our operational expenses. All gift will be greatly appreciated!

(Amy is a fictitious character the reflects the story of many of our residents)